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Why We Go to War - A Poem

Submitted by admin on 15 July 2014

I saw a bandwagon of soldiers upon apocalypse Their eyes was fixed on the fire in hypnotic gaze they marched into the fire
Why do we go to war?

Blood we go to war for enemy blood we chunk our bodies for honour the pride on which we wear the camouflage of our krested khaki We war for our women the love worth dying for We go to war for our children the posterity for which we die smiling We war for God as though He could not take up his own fight We make war for Krates to share red wine with the Olympusian We war for blood blood I say blood we gun for hearts and bath in fire We war for war war of chattered nuclear and atomic proportion we like the magic and fireworks In the name of Lucifer we war for the vengeance of the fallen we worship Satan on the day of war we war to die as though we never existed we war till hearts are beaten to dust and grey souls become vapour We go to war because we have seen too many die and our eyes is blood shot and our jaundiced eyes may say "life is a drab" This is why we go to war for victory that rare rush of adrenaline we war for the flung fist of power we punch the air for the ecstasy of being a survival
We war for everything We war for nothing.